ROPS 5.2a (the best POSTScriptviewer - but an easy protection!) available at: +++++++++++++ (search for PS) shortest crack description: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ fire on SOFTICE ---> quite easy - find the statusbyte in BPMB 0044E168 !!! Menu HELP -> Register now .... enter your NAME, USERS 1 and a short code... Press.... boom here we are ... trace with F8 and correct the false code at positions: BPX 015f:00401a75 BPX 015f:00401a81 the protection: 015F:00401A5B A5 MOVSD 015F:00401A5C 832568E1440000 AND DWORD PTR [0044E168],00 015F:00401A63 A5 MOVSD 015F:00401A64 A4 MOVSB 015F:00401A65 8B750C MOV ESI,[EBP+0C] 015F:00401A68 33FF XOR EDI,EDI 015F:00401A6A 0FB6041F MOVZX EAX,BYTE PTR [EBX+EDI] 015F:00401A6E 8A16 MOV DL,[ESI] 015F:00401A70 8BC8 MOV ECX,EAX 015F:00401A72 C1E904 SHR ECX,04 015F:00401A75 3A540DE4 -> CMP DL,[ECX+EBP-1C] 015F:00401A79 7510 JNZ 00401A8B 015F:00401A7B 8A4E01 MOV CL,[ESI+01] 015F:00401A7E 83E00F AND EAX,0F 015F:00401A81 3A4C05E4 -> CMP CL,[EAX+EBP-1C] 015F:00401A85 7504 JNZ 00401A8B 015F:00401A87 33C0 XOR EAX,EAX 015F:00401A89 EB03 JMP 00401A8E 015F:00401A8B 6A01 PUSH 01 -> write down the 12 chars .... enter again .... Press -> "Thanks for registering ... blablabla" An example - for everybody who has no debugger or experience: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NAME: -=[THOG]=- USERS: 1 CODE: 69d0433a7077 Questions? ++++++++++ Post me an email: